Keys to species Bryopsis Lumouroux

Plants erect, tufted or spreading, bushy, with more or less evident main axes and more or less pyramidally or uni or bilaterally arranged branchlets formed successively from the apex; plants diploid, reproducing afetr the segregation of entire branchlets by a basal membrane, the contents undergoing meiotic divisions so that these branchlets eventually function as heterogametic gametangia, the smaller gametes brownish, the larger yellowish-green.

Key to the species of Bryopsis Lumouroux

1. Ultimate branchlets surrounding the lesser branches
1. Ultimate branchlets in 1-2 rows
2. Main axes coarse, sharply differentiated; the shrt ultimate branchlets generally 20 - 50 u diam.; plants to 2 diam tall
B. duchassaignii
2. Main axes more slender, not very distinct from the secondary branch; branchlets 40 - 80 u diam. or more; plants rarely over 1 dm. tall
3. Branchlets very short and inconspicuous, mostly unilateral or in pairs near the middle of the axis
B. ramulosa
3. Branchlets longer, conspicuous
4. Frond triangular to lanceolate, light or somewhat olive green in colour, with branchlets mostly in 2 rows
4. Frond linear-lanceolate, dark green, with 1-2 rows of branchlets
B. pennata